Maracas - simple rhythm instrument

Maracas is one of the rhythm musical instruments. Maracas has simple structure. It has body part and handle part. And there are many seeds or small stones in body part. It is made of Maraca tree's nut, and small stone or seeds. Today, Maracas is made of wood and synthetic resins such as plastic.

The name of Maracas is originated 'Maraca' which is word of the Acarouns that is tribe of South America. Usually, it had been played two Maracas, so the name became 'Maracas'.
Maracas was used in Latin America's music very importantly.
But these days, it is used in different music too.

The reason why I post Maracas is that Maracas is very simple instrument and we can make it easily. So this time, let's make simple Maracas.

Please prepare disposable plastic coffee cup, beans(or seed, rice) and wrap.
First, put small beans in plastic coffee cup.
You can put rice instead of beans.

Block the top of plastic coffee cup by wrap.

After block the plastic cup, please close its opening by coffee cup cover.

Maracas is completed!
If you want, you can attach some decorations on this Maracas.
In young age, auditory development of auditory sense precede development of vision. So Maracas can provide brain development to baby. 
I hope you make Maracas


This is blog address that introduce how we can make simple Maracas.

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