Instrument of Andes area - Charango

Charango is string instrument of Andes area.
In Peru, it is often seen.(If it was made of armadillo's leather, it is rare.)
In the old days, the people of Andes remodel Vihuela(Spain's music instrument) which is introduced by invasion of Spain.
Charango only have played by men after it had been made.
This instrumaent seems like guitar.
Strings of Charango seems 5 if we seen from a distance, but it have 10 strings actually.
The length of Charango is about 60cm. And the shape is various.
Also we can see the leather of armadillo back of the Charango.
The sound of Charango is high and beautiful.

    Back of Charango

Originally, Charango is made of armadillo's skin, but these days Charango is made of wood. Because of indiscriminate capture of armadillo. Poeple capture armadillo for food, and the population number of armadillo is rapidly decrease. So armadillo became protected species.
Almost Charango made of wood today like this.
And there is Ronroco that sounds lower than Charango.
It is not famous in Korea. But some people have this instrument.
I would like to play this instrument too.

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This address linked vedieo that someone play the Charango.