Do you know about the Vuvuzela?
the vuvuzela is the instrument that is made of plastic in the South Africa. It's sounds like a crying of the elephant. Africans use it for in the cheering when they are watching the soccer game. It is 60cm~120cm, looks like a trumpet. The feature of it is a loud sounds about 120dB. 120dB is more noisy than the sounds of a train (110dB), land mower (90dB).

Do you know why the vuvuzela is famous?
The vuvuzela's loud sounds became the icon of the 19th world cup which was the South Africa held. But because of the loud sounds, some audiences felt unpleasant feeling when they hear it. And some players requested not to use it. Because they couldn't hear the judge's sign and they couldn't concentrate the game.

Do you know when the vuvuzela using for cheer up the game?
The start using vuvuzela for cheering up the soccer player in South Africa is getting popular the soccer. The origin vuvuzela was hunting horn. At 2002, A company located in South Africa made plastic vuvuzela and spread it to the people. So nowadays it is a familiar instrument in Africa.

Do you know why they play the vuvuzela for cheering the game?
In the South Africa, there is a story that loud sounds kill the babbon. Babbon is well known for under the devil. When they kill the babbon, they use the loud sounds. The same way, when they play the vuvuzela, there is meaning to get the better of the enemy.


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