Do you know about The djembe?
 The djembe is the traditional percussion of the Africa. It has the meaning, Djem means gathering and be means everyone. In other words, it means that gather the people and play it with joy. It originates ancient Mali empire which governed Africa 14C until 16C.

How to make The djembe?
First, use a log and make it like a sandglass.
Second, the upper part of the log warps a goat skin.
Third, ues iron rings and rope, make a goat skin tightly.
Forth, to tune a djembe.
Finally, play it with dance!!

Do you know the meaning djembe have?
There are three spirits in djembe. A log and A goat which are made of the it and A person who made it. African believe that it is the healing instrument, lead people to another world. When the people made it, they ceremony with this for the fight , healing the people, remembering their ancestors.

Who is the famous djembe player in the world?
Mamady Keïta is one of the most famous djembe players in the world.  He is appreciated legend of inheriting the traditional African djembe music. At the first spread the djembe and African music to Europe, he tried to spread the that in the world.
Now in korea, it is more and more popular because it appeared on audition programs like 'Supper star K'.