Do you know about the Shekere?
Shaker is one of the maracas instruments. Maracas means an instrument which is made of gourd and use its own sound to play. It is not only widespread in South Africa but also spread in central and south Africa. Because African did deportation to other continents.

Do you know structure of Shekere?
Shekere is consists of body and string.
The body is made of gourd. Depending on the gourd shape, instrument maker can get different sounds. So before making the instrument, the instrument maker makes efforts to find a good shape gourd. African Shekere is usually hollowed out gourd.
Nowadays there are a lot of Shekeres, traditional Shekere that is made of gourd to modern Shekere that is made of plastic.

How to make Shekere?
Ingredients: gourd , string, dried seed or grain, shells or glass beads
First, pick a gourd and dry for several month.
Second, hollow out gourd, put dried seed or grain
Third, weave the string with shells or glass beads
Fourth, cover a gourd with string
Tip, shells or beads are more clear sounder than plastic beads. But plastic beads are easier to make it

How to play the Shekere?
Some people think that there are no rules to play the Shekere. But there are 4~6 basic rules to play. Also the characteristic rhythm based on basic rules.

Who is the best shekere player in the world?
The best shekere player in the world is Yosvany Terry from Cuba. He leads a band based on African-Cuban music in New York. He is a well known player of shekere but he is also well known to saxophone.

Frank Kearney
1/21/2016 12:43:24 pm

Where can I find what I need to make a Shakira


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