 Today I will talk about Percussion family.
Percussion families are older than other instrument. There role in the orchestra is adding rhythm. In orchestra they are located in the back of all instrument. But in music there sound is strong and beautiful. Percussion instrument consist of no consonant interval instrument and consonant interval instrument. Now I will introduce some percussion instrument that using in orchestra. 

 First I will talk about marimba.
Marimba is a instrument that seems like a piano. It is made of wood or steal. wood marimba is sensitive for weather but steal marimba is easy to care. 
To play the marimba we need  small stick that is called mallet.
It is used in many orchestra performance

 Timpani is the next instrument that i will tell you. Timpani is the most important instrument in the orchestra. it can tuning exact sound so it can participate in harmony. It is made of plastic or animal's skin. To play the timpani we use timpani mallet. 

 Next I will talk about tubular bell. tubular bell's another name is chime.  It is a bell that used in orchestra. If orchestra use a real bell it needs big bell to sound high sound so we use tubular bell.

Until now i tell you a consonant interval percussion family. 
Now i will tell you a no consonant interval percussion family.
cymbals is a oldest percussion instrument. Its weight and size is various. Its role in the orchestra is support a high sound. It can sound with stick  and we can sound with hand.

It is well used in the festival because of small size and easy to add rhythm. In 19th century it is used in the orchestra. It made of animal skin.

The video show a percussion's beautiful ensemble. 
Today we talk about percussion family. 
Next time I will talk about brass instrument.
Thank you for watching my blog posting !!!

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