Today I will do a last posting in this blog. I will talk about brass family. brass family is very old. Since 18th century,  brass instruments are used in orchestra to make big sound. there sound is soft and beautiful.                  In brass instrument there is a trumpet, horn, trumbone, tuba.                 Now I will talk about them.

First I will talk about Trumpet.
It is oldest brass instrument. Its sound is fascinated and bright. To play the Trumpet we blow the trumpet through mouthpiece. It uses in Many genre. string orchestra, wind instrument orchestra... so on.

Next, Trumbone. Trumbone's sound is soft and imposing. In orchestra there is a three trumbone. Two tenor trumbone and one base trumbone. trumbone is upgraded version of trumpet. Trumbone is the most perfective instrument in the brass family. And it is very well blend together with human's voice

Next instrument is Horn. Horn is used in orchestra first in the brass family. Its sound is more temperate and soft than the other brass family. So it cover other instrument's sound. It also needs mouthpiece to play.

The last instrument i will tell you is the TubaIts sound is very low. But its sound is very sensitve. It is used in orchestra recently. It also needs mouthpiece to play.

This video is show beautiful sound of brass instrument.

Today we talk about brass family.

Until now we talk about western instrument. 

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